OTM is a global multi-regulatedfinancial service provider offering access to varioustrading products, including currencies,commodities, stocks, indices, CFDs and futures, forretail and institutional clients.OTM Card is linked to OTM live tradingaccount and accepted at any POS, ATM, or onlinemerchant globally.OTM Card mobile app offers access tovarious features, including issuing virtual cards,activation/deactivation of the card, balance andtransaction inquiry, transfers (card-to-card/locallyand internationally), and access to multiple payment services.OTM Standard features:• International Acceptance• Multi-Currency Acceptance• Online AccessOTM World features: (in addition to the above)• Free and unlimited access to 900+ airport loungesworldwide• Pass-through electric gates at QAIA using the E-gate card without standing in line for PassportControl for the departure or arrival• Travel Medical and Inconvenience Insurance• 10% discount on Luxury Serviced Apartments,complimentary daily house cleaning on stays overseven nights at Onefinestay properties acrossEurope, the US, and Australia• Up to 25% on Avis Car Rental• 15% discounts on Careem RidesWhether you are new to trading or far moreexperienced, OTM offers a simple accountopening process that allows trading on the globalmarkets with a live account or a demo account.Once set up, you can enjoy access to the extensiverange of available educational resources and trading tools that are only a click away.OTM also offers various educational contentthat includes educational webinars for beginnersand experienced traders and daily market news.